Monday, January 12, 2009

Schedule and Mistaken Identity

I'll give you guys a little break-down of my Monday and Wednesday schedule, to show you exactly how all this free time works out.

From 9-9:50 AM, I have "Quantitative Skills and Reason", followed by a break lasting 1 hr 10 mins.

Total Break Time: 1:10

At 11, and lasting until 11:50 AM, I have "Compostion I". Afterwards, I get 1 hr 25 mins for lunch. (On Fridays, this is where my day ends.)

Total Break Time: 2:35

After lunch, I have "American History Through Film" from 1:15 til 2:30 PM. Then, a short 10 minute break beefore my next class.

Total Break Time: 2:45

"Survey of US History I" is up next, from 2:40-3:55 PM. My last break of the day is 1 hr 35 mins, ending the day with "Self-defense" (5:30-6:45)

Total Break Time: 4:20

So there you have it. That's how I get so much free time.

So far, today's been pretty uneventful. Basic stuff in math.

Somebody from the "Atlanta Business Journal" (or something like that) called me during math and left a message, so I called back to let them know they'd gotten the wrong person, so that they'd know their mistake and try to reach the right person, but we couldn't figure out who'd called me, but they were gonna try and figure it out.

Alright, til lunch,


Currently Reading:
"My Boring-ass Life" by Kevin Smith

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